
The Handheld XRF Analyzer is a most practical elemental analysis solution for many industries and types of material. This handheld XRF analysis guns have boosted productivity and profits for many businesses all over the globe. For the analysis of minerals, all metals, metal alloys, RoHS, restricted materials, heavy metals, plastics and all elements from Mg to U.
This X-ray fluorescence spectrometer research and development, our latest generation of handheld XRF ore analyzers — EXPLORER is bringing about a revolution in the field of mineral ore analysis. EXPLORER 7000 introduces advanced digital multichannel technology that provides lower limits of detection with better stability and a wider range of applications. The unique Explorer series of XRF provides for the first time a truly comparable performance with hi end bench top instruments, while its ultra compact and light weight design ensures that multi element analysis of geological ore prospecting, exploration analysis and slag refining, are both simpler for the user and provide better accuracy.